Win Loss
Win Loss Analysis - the detailed investigation and customer interview process, is crucial to the success of a high-performing sales team. It is crucial to understand why a sale was lost so that you can avoid repeating the same mistakes. It is equally important to understand why you won a deal - so that you can ensure your team keeps doing the same things in the future.
Our Win Loss Analysis service brings a unique independent approach to loss reviews and loss interviews. As a trusted third-party, we can ask the difficult questions that your sales leaders simply will not get an honest answer to.

Win Loss Analysis

Our interview teams are all ex-sales - meaning that we know how to run a customer call and we know how to sensitively ask direct questions.
Each Win Loss Interview takes in the region of 45 minutes and we methodically ask open-ended questions that are designed to allow the customer to talk through his or her situation.
Our independent position - helping the vendor to improve how they sell, helps the interviewee to speak freely with the aim of helping the vendor learn for future engagements.