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Signing a Contract


Have you or your team selected an IT product or service but maybe you just need that extra peace of mind that you are selecting the right partner?

Maybe something just doesn't feel right? Perhaps you just want that third-party pair of eyes to be sure? Perhaps you need that independent validation to take it for final approval?

Let Viewpoint Analysis vet the key aspects of the deal and vendor to ensure you make the right decision.

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Our Pre-Purchase Due Diligence Report is designed to provide the peace of mind that you and your executive team need before signing that contract and sending the purchase order. Think of it as the last step in your procurement process.

The report gives a third-party opinion about the chosen preferred vendor and can support or validate a vendor selection prior to official sign-off of funds.

Meditation by the Beach
Smart Phone Call


Viewpoint Analysis will contact existing customers to provide a completely independent reference perspective - not just the vendor's most successful client. We can do this with complete independence and in confidence.


The Pre-Purchase Report is an ideal solution to give the extra weight to your Board Pack. If this is a substantial project, with a request for substantial funds, having an independent viewpoint is going to be critical to demonstrate that the project decision is the right one.

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We provide a full 360 degree insight into your preferred vendor. We research every aspect that is important to making a solid purchasing decision:


  • Customer Feedback.

  • Executive Team Overview - global and regional

  • A  Mini Vendor Viewpoint - our rating of the vendor.

  • Key Financial Data - what to watch out for.

  • Opportunities & Cautions - based upon our years of experience.

  • Areas of Specific Concern to You - tell us where you feel uncertain.


The report is exceptionally cost-effective. In some cases, feedback on the commercial terms can pay for the report many times over. Our aim is to run the report quickly and efficiently and at a reasonable price.

British Pound Coins


Want to know more about the Pre-Purchase Due Diligence Report? Here is a summary of the key contents that you can expect included by the Viewpoint Analysis team. Click on the link below to review.

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Email us, call us, fill out a contact form - any and all are good for us. We are keen to help.

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